Hendon Golf Club

Our Ladies’ Section

Whatever your level of golf or competitiveness, there is plenty for lady members to enjoy at Hendon Golf Club



The Ladies’ Section aims to be the friendliest and most inclusive in Middlesex. It runs a mentoring program for new lady members to quickly get involved in all the activities at the club, so any new member will be paired with an existing member whose job is to steer her through the first few months at Hendon. The mentoring program is particularly helpful to ladies who are new to golf as there is always someone on hand to advise and help with obtaining a handicap and getting to know the basic rules of golf and course etiquette.

Competitions and Teams

The Ladies’ Section has a healthy competitive section, with several teams that play interclub matches both competitively and socially against other clubs in the local area as well as further afield. There is the Pearson Team for handicap range 13–32. We also have two Scratch Teams, providing members from single figure handicaps to mid-teens with the opportunity to play matches off scratch. Hendon has been extremely successful in competitive leagues in the past. We have won the Middlesex Scratch League for a record 4 years in succession and are the current holders. We have also reached the finals of the Pearson league a number of times.

Ladies play their strokeplay competitions on Tuesdays and at weekends. On non-competition weeks, the Ladies’ Committee also organise social roll-ups. The Ladies also join in various mixed Club competitions throughout the year. These range from weekend medal competitions through to fun Greensomes and Four Ball Better Ball events. On a more relaxed basis we have four eclectic competitions which run throughout the year. We also have some friendly matches against other clubs – both local and further afield. The Ladies’ section organises two or three “away days” each year to clubs in other counties. The away days take place both during the week and at weekends.

Away Days

The Ladies’ Captain organises a ‘Captain’s Weekend’ each year at a premier golf resort within the South of England, with 20-30 members spending 3 days playing golf each day and socialising together afterwards.

Lady members of Hendon Golf Club are automatically joined as members of Middlesex Golf (MG) and England Golf. Middlesex Golf organises events for all levels of golf including Senior and Junior regional qualifying competitions leading to national finals run by England Golf. Regional qualifiers are held in Middlesex and the other counties of the South Region, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, and Sussex.

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